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An Introduction to The New Testament (Donald A. Carson, Douglas J. Moo)
An Introduction to The New Testament (Donald A. Carson, Douglas J. Moo)
Authors: Donald A. Carson, Douglas J. Moo
Retail Price: US$57.14
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Book Language and Binding:
Traditional Chinese - Paperback

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Short Description:
An Introduction to the New Testament focuses on what used to be called 'special introduction' -- historical questions dealing with authorship, date, sources, purpose, destination, and so forth -- in contrast to recent texts that concentrate more on literary form, rhetorical criticism, and historical parallels. The authors do not minimize these other topics; rather, they insist those subjects are better given extended treatment in courses on exegesis. By refocusing on the essentials, An Introduction to the New Testament ensures that the New Testament books will be accurately understood from their historical settings; and it allows other concerns to be introduced when appropriate. The authors also include a brief outline of each New Testament document, providing a rationale when necessary for the choices they have made.
Major Details
  • Book Title: An Introduction to The New Testament
  • Authors: Donald A. Carson, Douglas J. Moo
  • Book Language: Traditional Chinese
  • Book Condition: New
  • Book Binding: Paperback
  • Edition Year: 2007
Book Size
  • Pages: 792
  • Volumes: 1
  • Height: 25.00
  • Width: 17.50
  • Thickness: 4.00
  • Weight: 1234
Publishing Details
  • Publisher: Tien Dao Publishing House, Hongk Kong
  • ISBN10: 9622087094
  • ISBN13: 9789622087095
  • Original Title: An Introduction to The New Testament
  • Original Language: English
  • Original Language First Edition: 1992
  • Original Language Translated Edition: 2005

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