Bible Building Blocks of the Faith, Series A: The Who What Why How of Creation (Teacher's Manual)
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Bible Building Blocks of the Faith, Series A: The Who What Why How of Creation (Teacher's Manual) - 01Cvoer - Copyright material
Bible Building Blocks of the Faith, Series A: The Who What Why How of Creation (Teacher's Manual) - 02Cvoer - Copyright material
Bible Building Blocks of the Faith, Series A: The Who What Why How of Creation (Teacher's Manual) - 03Cvoer - Copyright material
Bible Building Blocks of the Faith, Series A: The Who What Why How of Creation (Teacher's Manual) - 04Cvoer - Copyright material
Bible Building Blocks of the Faith, Series A: The Who What Why How of Creation (Teacher's Manual) - 05Cvoer - Copyright material
Bible Building Blocks of the Faith, Series A: The Who What Why How of Creation (Teacher's Manual) - 06Cvoer - Copyright material
Bible Building Blocks of the Faith, Series A: The Who What Why How of Creation (Teacher's Manual) - 07Cvoer - Copyright material
Bible Building Blocks of the Faith, Series A: The Who What Why How of Creation (Teacher's Manual) - 08Cvoer - Copyright material
Bible Building Blocks of the Faith, Series A: The Who What Why How of Creation (Teacher's Manual) - 09Cvoer - Copyright material
Bible Building Blocks of the Faith, Series A: The Who What Why How of Creation (Teacher's Manual) - 10Cvoer - Copyright material
Bible Building Blocks of the Faith, Series A: The Who What Why How of Creation (Teacher's Manual) - 11Cvoer - Copyright material
Bible Building Blocks of the Faith, Series A: The Who What Why How of Creation (Teacher's Manual) - 12Cvoer - Copyright material
Bible Building Blocks of the Faith, Series A: The Who What Why How of Creation (Teacher's Manual) - 13Cvoer - Copyright material
Bible Building Blocks of the Faith, Series A: The Who What Why How of Creation (Teacher's Manual) - 14Cvoer - Copyright material
Bible Building Blocks of the Faith, Series A: The Who What Why How of Creation (Teacher's Manual) - 15Cvoer - Copyright material
Short Description:
Ÿ 十四個系列:共78課、每一課可分成4-5個時段(每時段45-60分鐘),6-8年內完成全套教學。
Ÿ 教材特色:以「兒童要理問答」為本,搭配彩色圖解式教學以及豐富有趣的互動,採用法蘭絨板教學,室內、戶外兩相宜。
Ÿ 適用對象:教會、學校、家庭、兒童聖經營會。
Ÿ 適用年齡:學齡前到小學六年級。
Ÿ 教師配備:教師手冊、詩歌CD、彩色教學圖案。
Ÿ 學生配備:《兒童要理問答》小冊子、兒童著色本。
◎ 法蘭絨板教具
Major Details
- Book Title: Bible Building Blocks of the Faith, Series A: The Who What Why How of Creation (Teacher's Manual)
- Authors: Dortha Musante, Tom and Lil Waldecker, Ann Langley, George Uterhardt
- Book Language: Traditional Chinese
- Book Condition: New
- Book Binding: Paperback
- Published: 2014
Book Size
- Pages: 148
- Volumes: 1
- Height: 0.00
- Width: 0.00
- Thickness: 0.00
- Weight: 525
Publishing Details
- Publisher: RTF Publishing , Taipei
- ISBN13: 9789866687549
- Original Title: Bible Building Blocks of the Faith, Series A: The Who What Why How of Creation
- Original Language: English
- Original Language First Edition: 2006
- Original Language Translated Edition: 2014