1995 賓州大學學士 1998 西敏神學院道學碩士 2002 杜克大學博士
華特斯榮獲James M. Baird, Jr.基金會新約教授的頭銜,特別專注在保羅的書信與神學、新約使用舊約、以及四福音書的研究。
曾在杜克神學學校(Duke Divinity School)教導古希臘文,在貝爾哈文學院(Belhaven College)擔任聖經研究助理教授。
2003年成為PCA 密西西比河谷長老教會的教導長老。
2007起,在改革宗神學院傑克森校區(RTS Jackson)任職。
Justification and the New Perspectives on Paul
The Federal Vision and CovenantTheology: A Comparative Analysis
The End of Deuteronomy in the Epistles of Paul
Reforming or Conforming?: Post-Conservative Evangelicals and the Emerging Church
A Christian’s Pocket Guide to Justification: Being Made Right With God?
Children and the Lord’s Supper
What Is the Bible?
The Acts of the Apostles
The Life and Theology of Paul
The Lord’s Supper as the Sign and Meal of the New Covenant