1946 生於加州馬德拉((Mardera),), 九歲時委身於基督,並受洗於喬其拉第一美南浸
信會(( Chowchilla First Baptist Church ))。在就讀西敏神學院之前,主修數學,
1966 加州理工學院 數學學士
1970 哈佛大學 數學博士
1974 西敏神學院 道學碩士
1974 西敏神學院 護教學神學碩士
1976- 擔任費城西敏神學院 新約教授
1977 英國劍橋大學 新約文學碩士
1981 南非斯泰倫博斯大學(University of Stellenbosch)新約神學博士
1981 在改革宗長老會的福音大會中被按立為教導長老
1983 與Diane 結婚
Understanding Dispensationalists 《認識時代論者》,改革宗
Philosophy, Science, and the Sovereignty of God.
Symphonic Theology: The Validity of Multiple Perspectives in Theology .
Science and Hermeneutics: Implications of Scientific Method for Biblical Interpretation
The Shadow of Christ in the Law of Moses
God-Centered Biblical Interpretation .
The Returning King: A Guide to the Book of Revelation .
The Gender-Neutral Bible Controversy: Muting the Masculinity of Gods Words
The TNIV and The Gender-Neutral Bible Controversy (with Wayne Grudem ).
Redeeming Science: A God-Centered Approach .
In The Beginning Was The Word: Language--A God-Centered Approach .
What Are Spiritual Gifts? (Basics of the Faith series).
Redeeming Sociology: A God-Centered Approach .