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Author Introduction
Herman Bavinck
Author's Name: Herman Bavinck
Dates: 1854 - 1921
Category: Dutch Reformed

Short Description

Bavinck was born in the town of Hoogeveen in the Netherlands. He first went to theological school at Kampen, but then moved on to Leiden for further training. He graduated in 1880 from Leiden having completed a dissertation on Ulrich Zwingli.

A year later, Bavinck was appointed Professor of Dogmatics at Kampen Theological Seminary. While serving there, he also assisted his denomination that had formed out of the withdrawal of orthodox Calvinists earlier from the state Hervormde Kerk, a withdrawal movement called "the Afscheiding" (the Off-breaking) in its merger with a second and subsequent larger breakaway movement that also left the Hervormde Kerk, this time under the leadership of Abraham Kuyper, a movement called "the Doleantie" (the Weeping).

Bavinck stayed put and pursued his class lectures, research, writing, and publication - making his distinctive mark as an orthodox Calvinist theologian and churchman. After refusing the invitation of Abraham Kuyper several times to come to Amsterdam, finally Bavinck accepted Kuyper's plea. In 1902 he succeeded Abraham Kuyper as Professor of Theology at the Free University in Amsterdam.

In 1911, he was named to the Senate of the Netherlands Parliament. He assisted in the encouragement of the Gereformeerde volk to build their own Christian schools, without state financial help, until such a time as the 80-years "School War" was brought to an end by the granting of government assistance to all schools.

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Source: Wikipedia

Herman Bavinck: Books
Retail: US$16.32
Crts: US$13.88
Status: New Edition

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