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作者姓名: 川普.朗文
生平時間: 0 -
作者類別: 美國改革宗


Tremper Longman is the Robert H. Gundry Professor of Biblical Studies. He came to Westmont in the 1998-99 school year after teaching for eighteen years at Westminster Theological Seminary in Philadelphia. His teaching responsibilities at Westmont include Life and Literature of the Old Testament (a GE requirement) as well as various upper division classes. Representative of the latter is the course in Biblical Interpretation, Old Testament Psalms and Wisdom, the Pentateuch, and the Bible in Its Ancient Near Eastern Context. Dr. Longman has degrees from Ohio Wesleyan University (B.A.), Westminster Theological Seminary (M.Div.), and Yale University (M.Phil.; Ph.D.). He has written a number of articles and books including Fictional Akkadian Autobiography, Introduction to the Old Testament, How to Read the Psalms, Reading the Bible with Heart and Mind, Old Testament Commentary Survey, Literary Approaches to Biblical Interpretation, and God is a Warrior. He has written a short commentary on the minor prophet Micah, as well as major commentaries on Ecclesiastes, Song of Songs, Daniel, and Nahum. In addition, he has teamed up with the psychologist Dan Allender to write four books: Bold Love, Cry of the Soul, Intimate Allies, and Bold Purpose. At present, he is engaged in research on the history of Israel, the biblical genres in the light of ancient Near Eastern literature, as well as commentaries on Proverbs and Jeremiah. He has also been active in the area of Bible translation, in particular he serves on the central committee that produced and now monitors the New Living Translation. Tremper and his wife Alice have three sons. In his spare time, he watches movies and plays squash.

川普.朗文: 書籍
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